
How Quickly Can We Apply For A Schengen Visa After A Rejection?

How Quickly Can We Apply For A Schengen Visa After A Rejection?

Occasionally, applicants with a Schengen visa reapply for their next trip immediately. As a result, we encourage you to wait at least 1 to 2 months before reapplying for a new Schengen visa since you can’t have two applications open simultaneously.

Nonetheless, applying for two Schengen visas would not make much sense. Rather than going in and out twice and providing supporting documents for two separate applications, ask for one multiple-entry Schengen visa if you are in that situation.

Using a Schengen visa with numerous entries is easier than applying for two visas with various supporting documentation and fees. If your Schengen visa is approved, you rarely need to apply again.

Reapplying After Rejection Of A Schengen Visa

Now let’s talk about the second scenario (the most common one) in which you must reapply after rejecting your Schengen visa. Whether or not you have sent an Appeal Letter for your Schengen visa Refusal (an official letter you may write to dispute your Schengen visa rejection) determines what action you need to take.

If your application was rejected, you must attach the supporting documents with your appeal letter, including travel insurance for Schengen visa, proof of accommodation, a detailed flight itinerary, bank statement showing you have enough funds to support yourself in the Schengen zone. You can present your appeal letter to their embassy or the visa processing embassy/consulate for a Schengen country visa appeal.

If Your Already Submitted Appeal Letter Hasn’t Been Approved

Do not submit a second appeal if the Embassy has already refused your application. You can only appeal the refusal of a Schengen visa once. Keep going if you receive a negative response after appealing your Schengen visa rejection! Get a pause, reassess, and calibrate yourself before you apply again.

If You Didn’t Appeal Your Schengen Visa Rejection,

After a Schengen visa is denied, we usually recommend waiting at least one month before reapplying. Nevertheless, we strongly advise you to go through the appeals process instead. This will allow visa officers to check your previous paperwork, identify errors, and allow you to revise your application.

Reapplying Due To Situation Changes 

You should reapply if you applied for a multiple-entry Schengen visa but need a different one. For example, if your intended travel itinerary has altered and a single entry visa is more appropriate, reapplying for this type of visa may be warranted. This would involve obtaining a single-entry tourist visa with fewer concerns about visiting numerous countries in the area.

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How To Reapply For A Schengen Visa Application After Rejection

Reapplying for a Schengen visa after rejection is a common scenario, so let’s explore how you can minimize the chances of failure through reapplication.

Wait At Least 30 Days

Reapplying does not have a formal time limit. After visa rejection, you must wait at least 30 days. For example, if your Schengen visa application gets rejected, and you then appeal it, it still needs to be reviewed after the appeal. 

In this instance, submitting a new application right after risks generating red flags, making visa approval more difficult. Spamming Embassies and Consulates with application won’t help.

Find The Reason For Your Visa Rejection

Before applying for a new Schengen visa, you should find out reason why the first one was rejected in the first place. Please read this guide very carefully and learn about the most common reasons for rejection based on the standard visa Rejection Letter (“Standard form for notifying and motivating rejection, annulment, and revocation of a visa”). In our guide, you will learn how to avoid making the same mistakes when applying for a new visa.

Correct The Mistakes You’ve Made In Your Initial Application And Try To Improve Your Situation

It is vital to learn from your errors. Rejection can be a good chance of future approval – though the officials may record it, Embassies and Consulates will understand. If you fix any mistakes in your previous application, you’ll likely succeed next time.

Use Various Documents (Except Birth Certificates, Passports, And So Forth)

If you’ve submitted your application in June only to be rejected in July. It can take time to understand what documentation is needed to update this. By the end of August, many of these documents will have changed – such as utility bills, bank statements and photographs – so supplying old versions will not be accepted. Thus, submitting a new application must include the most recent evidence possible.


Gathering new documents to reapply for the Schengen visa may be challenging, challenging process. The time it takes to receive an appeal letter varies based on the embassy of the nation you applied to. If your appeal is likewise denied, they may not notify you of the decision made on your application.

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